Professional Networking Platform Scales Back AI Prompts Amid User Feedback and Data Concerns

Taylor Brown


Professional Networking Platform Scales Back AI Prompts Amid User Feedback and Data Concerns

Recent developments indicate that a professional networking platform is retracting its artificial intelligence prompts from the site. Initially, these prompts were displayed for premium subscribers, encouraging them to explore various AI functionalities. However, numerous users have reported that these prompts have been absent from their feeds for some time. The platform has confirmed the reduction of these prompts but has not provided any particular thought processes. Furthermore, it is essential to acknowledge that a recent report suggested the platform had been utilizing user data for training AI models without prior notification.

The platform is progressively scaling back the AI suggestions that were previously visible to premium subscribers. These suggestions, which appeared below individual posts, offered inquiries that users might pose to the AI, mirroring a similar feature introduced by another social media giant. It appears that the presence of these prompts has diminished significantly in recent times.

A representative from the company acknowledged that these AI suggestions are indeed being minimized, but emphasized this decision was not a reaction to user feedback or negative perceptions surrounding the AI functionalities. Users are still able to access AI-driven tools on the jobs home page, which provide tailored insights on networking, job positioning, and company research.

This shift in prompt visibility comes amid reports that some users felt overwhelmed and found little utility in these suggestions. The prompts were intended to engage users in trying out the AI features launched in late 2023. Notably, there has been no option available for users to disable these prompts on the platform.

Moreover, the platform recently attracted scrutiny for compiling user data for AI training without clear communication to its user base. The issue came to light when users discovered settings that allowed them to deactivate data collection for training AI models. In response, the company revised its policy to clarify its practices regarding user data collection.
